


template < std::size_t I, typename T, typename TUPLE >
struct has_parameter_type_impl
    using type = std::integral_constant< bool,
        std::is_same<T, typename std::tuple_element< I, TUPLE >::type >::value
        || has_parameter_type_impl< I-1, T, TUPLE>::type::value
    > ;
} ;

template < typename T, typename TUPLE>
struct has_parameter_type_impl< 0, T, TUPLE >
    using type = std::integral_constant< bool,
        std::is_same<T, typename std::tuple_element< 0, TUPLE >::type >::value
    > ;
} ;

template < typename T, typename Func >
struct has_parameter_type
{ } ;

template < bool B, typename T, typename F >
struct lazy_conditional
    : std::conditional< B, T, F >::type
{ } ;

template < typename T, typename R, typename ... Types >
struct has_parameter_type<T, R (Types...) >
    : lazy_conditional< sizeof...(Types) == 0
        , std::conditional< std::is_same<T, void>::value, std::true_type, std::false_type >
        , has_parameter_type_impl< sizeof...(Types) - 1, T, std::tuple< Types... > >
{ } ;

template < typename T, typename R, typename ... Types >
constexpr bool has_param_type( R && ( Types ... ) )
    return has_parameter_type<T, R( Types... )>::value ;

template < typename T, typename R, typename ... Types >
constexpr bool has_param_type( R (*) ( Types ... ) )
    return has_parameter_type<T, R( Types... )>::value ;

template < typename T, typename R, typename C, typename ... Types >
constexpr bool has_param_type( R (C::*) ( Types ... ) )
    return has_parameter_type<T, R( Types... )>::value ;


struct X

    void f( char, double ) { }
} ;

void f( int, char, short ) { }

int main()
    std::cout << has_param_type<int>( &f ) << std::endl ; // true
    std::cout << has_param_type<float>( &f ) << std::endl ; // false
    std::cout << has_param_type<double>( &X::f ) << std::endl ; // true


N3326: Sequential access to data members and base sub-objectsをメンバー関数にも適用した機能が待ち望まれる。

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